With the arrival of Autumn, we have some news...
After the good experience at Teatro San Leonardo last year, we are very
Starting in October, we will intensely cooperate with the network Xing
(http://www.xing.it/) and the next concerts will be held at RAUM (via Cà
Selvatica 4/D). It isn't a one-time thing, but rather the strengthening
of a collaboration that has already seen the two organizations meet and
mingle at least a couple of times over the years.
We take this opportunity to let you know the dates and the artists involved
in the upcoming events:
26 Ottobre 2012We take this opportunity to let you know the dates and the artists involved
in the upcoming events:
MARIO DE VEGA http://www.mariodevega.info/
15 Novembre 2012
ADAM ASNAN http://adamasnan.blogspot.it/
13 Dicembre 2012
FRANCISCO MEIRINO http://www.franciscomeirino.
That's all, for now.
We look forward to hearing back from you!